
FACEBOOK Group | Photogroup

Facebook Group

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Facebook is used by the group for messages as well as photography posts. This enables us to contact members fairly quickly if we need to put a message out to members. This is a closed group for Photogroup members only.
Fb address is: The C&CC Photographic Group, if you search for that address you will find us.
There are currently approximately 160 members who have joined the facebook group. Member's are able to post images and text for commenting by others using the standard Facebook mechanism of posting.

Contact should be made with
John Smith or Ian Rowley (both are group administrators) firstly via the Facebook app to join the group. Your name will be checked against the membership list. You must be a member of both the Camping and Caravan club and the Photogroup to be able to join. You should be able to join fairly quickly after the check has been completed.

In case of difficulty please communicate via facebook in the first instance, as this makes resolving problems for the facebook administrators easier to resolve.
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