The first snowfall of the winter is a thing of magic, especially when it is entirely unexpected. Where were the weather warnings the other night? Nowhere!

No matter: the light sprinkling that arrived in the small hours did little to hold up daily activities here in Chipping Norton, but certainly added a sparkle to the landscape.

I went out to take some shots and here they are, the rural scenes captured in and around Water Tank field, with town centre rooftops framing the hills beyond. Below, New Street is clear for traffic though in the distance, the fields gleam with a light frosting of snow.

Coming soon, I will be adding online picture ordering to the website, the idea being that if you like the look of an image you’ll be able to order up your own print of it. Well, that’s the idea anyway; meantime enjoy these pictures of our light sprinkle of Cotswold snow, starting with tyre tracks in Rowell Way.

Below, looking over the rooftops towards Stow-on-the-Wold.

For black-and-white photo-fans, patterns made by furrows are picked out easily.

The Moon rises behind the water tank (above) and seen in closeup (below).
And here we have evidence for the Abominable Bootman, aka the Cotswold Yeti.

The pictures (above and below) were all taken in and around Water Tank field. It’s a popular walk, especially liked by dogs and their owners.

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